Time to relax...

That was amazing. I've never been so taken. My whole body is tingling. I still have goosebumps. Are you as turned on as me? As much as you can be, right? You are only human.
After She made me work up a good sweat, I did the only thing a girl like me should do. I took a nice long bubble bath. I was flying so high I needed to come down a bit! I just wish I could make you understand. The experience would simply make you catatonic, however. I'm sure it would. Even I had trouble gathering myself afterwards.
She was right. She's like a drug. I'm an addict, and She's the drug I can't get enough of. I love the power She has over me. It frightens me and excites all at once. Oh...I miss Her already.
I am a bit miffed that She took off and ignored me. I flipped Her the bird, but don't tell Her that. I can't stay mad, though. Who could stay mad at someone that cute?!
Later that night, floating over my bed naked and warm, I thought about Her. I started to do more than just think about her, but then my eyes caught soemthing. Just a glimmer, but it was there. Far away. Then it was gone. I brought myself upright and drifted out above my balcony. I must have looked like a naked fairy floating about like that. I felt her residual power moving through me. So powerful was She that She can't help but leave her essence within me. She overflows into me. I used it to look closer. I saw a trail and decided to follow it...
I do hope have a safe journey...dont get too hurt...
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