In love with the enemy...

You know, I was impressed at first. I can't make it but a few miles inside Jupiter. I know it's wierd that I'm being so neurotic about this, but if you think about it, it's a good "measure" of her level of power. However, I don't even think she realizes what she accomplished. I've done some research and called a couple of people. I use the term people loosely.
First, Blogger's calculations were off. It's 483.7 million miles away. How fast did she say she made the trip? Not impressed yet? The pressure is more than 70 million times. Try 100 million times. Those hydrogen clouds are the result of that pressure. So great is it that the hydrgen molecules are squeezed into their seperate atomical parts. The left over protons are the solid peices. Still not impressed? How about the heat? 57,000 degrees F. That's more than the surface of the Sun, people. Last, but not least, she mentioned flying away from the monster planet. I had trouble. It took some effort. I remembered getting worried I'd done something stupid, but I made it, barely. Escape velocity is 135,000 miles an hour. Getting to that speed is another story.
Maybe she is a Goddess...maybe. She certainly has control over me lately. Her power was made ever more apparent when she handle an Arion Prime like he was a normal man. I felt it again when she pinned me down. I liked it, though. I wanted her to force me. I craved her taste and her smell. She is more perfect and more powerful than me and I love her for it. I love her! I love her!
There I said it.
This is why I'm always trying to stop her. I can't let her do this to me.
(Talk about a screwed up relationship.)
Im sure she knows how you feel... so dont beat around the bush much longer. Try harder, (although it looks like you wont win for a while...or maybe ever). Im sure youll get some leeway sometime...
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