Army PT? Too easy!

You'll notice on your right a destroyed Abrams ( I think) tank. I'm showing you this because I want you to get a good visual of what our own military's weapons can do. From what the boys tell me, this mechanical monster has some of the best armor on the planet. Yet, under assault from our own tanks, well, you see the result.
I love our men in uniform. I love what they do. I really believe they are true heroes. So, i like to treat them every now and again to an exhibition, or show! This time, I elected to be a target at their range! I can't tell you how much fun that was. They were so nice. They were always professional. Plus, they think I'm sexy. Hehe! Of course, I was aware of this, but it's good to hear sometimes.
I have to tell you, I'm still impressed at what these things can do. Imagine me a little speck of a girl on the horizon. Despite that, they managed to hit me square pretty much every time. (Plus, I got to test out the new uniform. It did great!) Unlike the picture on the bottom, you can see what effect it had on me above it. Nadda. Nothing. (Wow. I look like that! Yummy!) It's always interesting to see how things impact against me. Some grazed away off my shoulder or the upper curve of my breast. Others spattered against my body. I was told later it was something called depleted uranium. Sounds harmless, really, but it was messy. I had to clean it all off when we were done.
It's funny the kind of sound they make on impact. My skin isn't exceptionally hard to the touch. It's very soft and silky. Good genes, you know? However, when those tank rounds impacted my stomach, it was more like a...well...a CLANK! The ones that hit softer areas were more of a THAP! I got curious and had them hitting different places to hear the different sounds they made. I was having too much fun!
Actually, it was a really nice massage. I even turned around to let them get my shoulders for a bit. I've been so tense lately. Needless to say, they all "qualified" just fine. When the firing was done, I wowed them all with a tank workout. I always stretch before a workout, though. They seemed to like that a lot.
I started with simple chest flies, a tank in each hand. I was reluctant at first. Getting a good grip meant digging into the armor, but they insisted it could be fixed. I layed myself back against the tarmac and lazily brought them up and down. I got a bit bored eventually and started lifting them so quickly a local wind stirred up. A pump wasn't to be had, so I put them down. To show them how hard my chest could be, I "autographed" them with an imprint of my tits. Each topped with their own little nipple.
Next was seated row. Two tanks pulling on each arm attached to large chains. They were really impressed when I switched to one arm rows with all four. We had to stop because their tread was digging up too much ground while I was pulling them to me. They offered using the whole company, but I laughed and told them it wouldn't make much difference. I thanked them for their offer, though. I'm a polite girl!
With chest and back done with, I decided on a REAL military press. Since I couldn't stack them, it ended up being pretty light. As you might expect, I went to one arm presses. I tossed it a few times just get an applause. One soldier mentioned how seemed like a 70 ton pillow. That's about right, I guess. I wasn't really paying attention. The cowd went quite when tossed it through the clouds. I had to go fetch it when I noticed the head soldier-man getting red-faced.
Arms were next. Arm curls with one tank in each hand. Overhead triceps with them as well. Still too easy. I even managed some wrist curls before I stopped.
I would have done legs, but they simply didn't have enough weight there.
I left them by blowing them a kiss that had them all sliding about the ammo pad. They were good sports, though.
All in all, I had a blast. Thanks, guys! I love you bunches!!! Mwah!
Wish I could do workouts like that...but I I guess the things at the dump will have to do...
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