The gift that didn't give much at all

Maybe I should hire the girl in the photo above.
As you saw, the bomb didn't work so well. I guess catching her by surprise doesn't really work. All I could see was her rip open the package, then she was cradling it. I never saw the girl move! Don't complain. I don't see you doing anything to help. If I were to guess, I bet some of you are enjoying it. Maybe I should just let her have at it!
I'm sorry. I'm just frustrated with the whole affair. Not that WE'RE having an affair, I mean the whole dealing-with-blogger thing. She doesn't seem to have had success with fending off mind control yet. I'm sure sure that's just a matter of time. My temporary boost is gone, so I'm just little old me again. More than enough for any of you, but not enough for her.
Magic works against most of us supertypes. Maybe, just maybe...
Well, I'm going to go blow off some steam. I've been offered a weekend away with some old friends. I'll let you know how it went when I get back.
Hope you feel better. ^_^
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